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alkaline-reduced water

alkaline-reduced water

Literature Reference.

The Change of pH and Oxidation-Reduction Potential(ORP) of Alkaline
Reduced Water

Seung Kyu Park, Ph.D., Dong-Heui Kim**, Ph.D., Young Kun Deung**, Ph.D., Eun-Ju Yang****, Yong-Suk Ryang**** , Ph.D., Hyun-Won Kim***, Ph.D., Kyu Jae Lee*, M.D., Ph.D. Department of arasitology*, Basic Science**, Biochemistry***, and Institute of Basic Medical Science, Wonju college of edicine, Yonsei University, Department of Medical Technology and Institute of Health Science****, College of Health Science, Yonsei University

= Abstract =
Alkaline-reduced water (ARW) is generated by reduction of water by electrochemical or physicochemical method. We previously reported that ARW had antioxidant effect on cancer proliferation. However, it is not known that which factors are critical for the effect of ARW on cancer inhibition and that how long the physicochemical properties are retained. Here, we examined the change of pH and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of ARW in polypropylene tube. ARW retained pH10-10.5 for 3 months in anaerobic condition. The pH of ARW tends to be decreased when ARW was exposed to air. The pH of ARW was not changed after boiling or freezing. However, ORP was changed from the beginning of experiment about -200 mV to 100 mV within 2 days. The change of ORP was not same compared with using of glass tube container. Collectively, we found that pH change of ARW was induced by air contact, whereas ORP was increased to normal level though there was no air contact in polypropylene tube. This result suggest that the maintenance of ORP might be caused by hydrogen molecule concentration in ARW, and further study on hydrogen and anti-oxidant effect of ARW are in need.

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